Elena A. Ivanova
St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University |
Selected publications
Fundamentals of continuum mechanics
- Vilchevskaya E.N., Ivanova E.A. The reduced equation of energy balance an alternative approach.
Appendix to the book: Zhilin P.A. Rational Continuum Mechanics. St. Petersburg.: Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press, 2012. 584 p.
(P. 476-485) (In Russian) (192 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A. Zhilin's method and Truesdell's method a comparative analysis.
Appendix to the book: Zhilin P.A. Rational Continuum Mechanics. St. Petersburg.: Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press, 2012. 584 p.
(P. 486-495) (In Russian) (196 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M. Material strain tensor.
Appendix to the book: Zhilin P.A. Rational Continuum Mechanics. St. Petersburg.: Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press, 2012. 584 p.
(P. 496-505) (In Russian) (212 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Vilchevskaya E.N. Description of thermal and micro-structural processes in generalized continua:
Zhilin's method and its modifications. // Generalized Continua as Models for Materials with Multi-scale Effects or Under Multi-field Actions
(Ed. H. Altenbach, S. Forest, A.M. Krivtsov). Berlin: Springer, 2013. P. 179-197. (268 Kb)
- Zhilin P.A. Altenbach H., Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M. Material strain tensor. //
Generalized Continua as Models for Materials with Multi-scale Effects or Under Multi-field Actions (Ed. H. Altenbach, S. Forest, A.M. Krivtsov). Berlin: Springer, 2013. P. 321-331. (220 Kb)
Thermodynamics, thermoelasticity and thermoviscoelasticity
Electro- and magnetoelasticity
- Ivanova E.A., Kolpakov Ya.E. The Cosserat continuum and piezoelectricity.
Appendix to the book: Zhilin P.A. Rational Continuum Mechanics. St. Petersburg.: Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press, 2012. 584 p.
(P. 506-531) (In Russian) (284 Kb)
- Grekova E.F., Ivanova E.A. The Kelvin medium and ferromagnetism.
Appendix to the book: Zhilin P.A. Rational Continuum Mechanics. St. Petersburg.: Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press, 2012. 584 p.
(P. 532-564) (In Russian) (304 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Kolpakov Ya.E. The use of moment theory to describe the piezoelectric effect in polar and non-polar materials.
Generalized Continua as Models for Materials with Multi-scale Effects or Under Multi-field Actions (Ed. H. Altenbach, S. Forest, A.M. Krivtsov). 2013. Berlin: Springer. P. 163-178. (276 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Kolpakov Ya.E. Description of the piezoelectric effect in polar materials by means of the moment theory. Prikladnaya mekhanika itekhnicheskaya fizika. 2013. Vol. 54. N 6. 15 p. (In Russian)
Phase and structural transitions
Experimental methods of determination of
mechanical characteristics of micro- and nanoobjects
- Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F. An approach to the experimental
determination of the bending stiffness of nanosize shells. //
Doklady Physics. 2005. Vol. 50, N 2. P. 83-87. (197 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F., Semenov B.N., Firsova A.D. On determination of elastic
modula of nanostructures: theory calculations and experimental method. //
Izvestiya RAN. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela. 2005. N 4. P. 75-85.
(In Russian) (194 Kb)
- Eremeyev V.A., Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F., Solov'ev A.N. On the determination of
eigenfrequencies for nanometer-size objects. // Doklady Physics.
2006. Vol. 51, N 2. P. 93-97. (267 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Indeitsev D.A., Morozov N.F. On the determination
of the rigidity parameters of nanoobjects. // Technical Physics.
2006. V. 51, issue 10. P. 1327-1333. (65 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Indeitsev D.A., Morozov N.F. On the determination
of rigidity parameters for nanoobjects. // Doklady Physics.
2006. Vol. 51, N 10. P. 569-573. (245 Kb)
- Eremeyev V.A., Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F., Solov'ev A.N. Method of
determining of eigenfrequencies of an ordered system of nanoobjects. //
Technical Physics. 2007. V. 52, No 1. P. 1-6. (248 Kb)
- Eremeyev V.A., Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F., Strochkov S.E. Natural Vibrations of Nanotubes.
// Doklady Physics. 2007, Vol. 52, N. 8. P. 431-435. (249 Kb)
- Eremeyev V.A., Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F., Strochkov S.E. The Spectrum of Natural
Oscillations of an Array of Micro- or Nanospheres on an Elastic Substrate.
// Doklady Physics. 2007. Vol. 52, N 12. P. 699-702. (514 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F. On the determination of the flexural rigidity of nanoshells.
// Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2009. Vol. 162. N 2. P. 205-210. (164 Kb)
- Eremeyev V.A., Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F. Mechanical Problems in Nanotechnology. //
Proceedings of the Saratov University. 2008. Vol. 8. Ser. Mathematics. Mechanics.
Informatics. Issue 3. P. 25-32. (In Russian) (296 Kb)
- Eremeyev V.A., Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F., Strochkov S.E. Natural vibrations in a system of nanotubes. //
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2008. Vol. 49. N 2. P. 291-300. (320 Kb)
- Eremeyev V.A., Ivanova E.A., Indeitsev D.A. Wave processes in nanostructures formed by nanotube arrays
or nanosize crystals. // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics.
2010. Vol. 51. N 4. P. 569-578. (476 Kb)
- Eremeyev V.A., Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F. Some problems of nanomechanics.
// Fizicheskaya Mezomekhanika. 2013. Vol. 16. N 4. P. 67-73. (In Russian) (176 Kb)
Mechanical properties of crystal lattices and nanocrystals
- Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M., Morozov N.F. Peculiarities of the bending-stiffness
calculation for nanocrystals. // Doklady Physics.
2002. Vol. 47, N 8. P. 620-622. (249 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Kirvtsov A.M., Morozov N.F. Bending
stiffness calculation for nanosize structures. Fatigue and
Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2003, 26.
Ñ. 715-718. (112 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Kirvtsov A.M., Morozov N.F., Firsova A.D. Inclusion of the Moment Interaction
in the Calculation of the Flexural Rigidity of Nanostructures. //
Doklady Physics, 2003. Vol. 48, N 8. P. 455-458. (67 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M., Morozov N.F., Firsova A.D. Decsription of crystal
packing of particles with torque interaction.
// Mechanics of Solids. 2003. Vol. 38. N 4. P. 76-88. (2073 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M., Morozov N.F., Firsova A.D. Theoretical mechanics. Determination of
equivalent elastic characteristics of discrete systems.
St.Petersburg, SPbSPU. 2004. 32 p. (In Russian) (259 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Kirvtsov A.M., Morozov N.F. Macroscopic relations of
elasticity for complex crystal latices using moment interaction at
microscale. // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol. 71. N 4,
2007. P. 543-561. (In Russian) (205 Kb)
- Berinskiy I.Å., Ivanova E.A., Kirvtsov A.M., Morozov N.F. Application of moment interactions to the construction of a stable model
of graphite crystal lattice. // Mechanics of Solids. 2007. Vol. 42.
N 5. P. 663-671. (165 Kb)
Dynamics of molecular systems
Theoratical foundations of particle and molecular dynamics
Mechanics of thin-wall constructions
- Zhilin P.A., Ivanova E.A. Modified energy functional
for the Reissner theory of plates. // Mechanics of Solids.
Vol. 30. No 2. 1995. P. 110-117. (410 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A. Approximate Hamilton functionals
for the problems of low-frequency and high-frequency free vibrations of
the Reissner plate. // Mechanics of Solids.
Vol. 30. No 4. 1995. P. 168-175. (509 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A. Comparative analysis of low-frequency
free vibrations of rectangular plates. // Mechanics of Solids.
Vol. 32. No 6. 1997. P. 125-134. (541 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A. Asymptotic and numerical analysis
of high-frequency free vibrations of rectangular plates. // Mechanics of Solids.
Vol. 33. No 2. 1998. P. 139-149. (553 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A. High-frequency free vibrations of plates in the Reissner's type theory. //
Shell-like Structures: Non-classical Theories and Applications (Ed. H. Altenbach, V. A. Eremeyev).
Berlin: Springer, 2011. P. 153-164.
- Altenbach H., Eremeyev V.A., Ivanova E.A., Morozov N.F. Bending of a three-layer plate with a near-zero transverse shear stiffness.
// Fizicheskaya Mezomekhanika. 2012. Vol. 15. N 6. P. 15-19. (In Russian) (152 Kb)
- Eremeyev, V.A., Ivanova, E.A., Altenbach, H., Morozov N.F. On effective stiffness of a three-layered plate with a core filled by a capillary fluid.
In: W. Pietraszkiewicz, J.Gorski (eds.) Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, vol. 3. Taylor & Francis, London, 2014, p. 85-88. (76 Kb)
Multybody dynamics
Dynamics of ultracentrifuges
Papers, devoted to P.A. Zhilin
- Indeitsev D.A., Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M. "P.A. Zhilin -
searching for Thuth". In book: "P.A. Zhilin. Advanced problems in mechanics".
St.Petersburg. 2006. V. 2. P. 6-8. (60 Kb)
- Indeitsev D.A., Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M. Short
biography and scientific results of P.A. Zhilin. In book: "P.A. Zhilin.
Advanced problems in mechanics". St.Petersburg. 2006. V. 2. P. 9-31. (313 Kb)
- Altenbach H., Indeitsev D., Ivanova E., Krivtsov A. Pavel Andreevich Zhilin
(1942 2005). Foreword. ZAMM. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 87 (2007)
N 2. P. 79-80. (76 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Indeitsev D.A., Krivtsov A.M. About Pavel Andreevich Zhilin (1942-2005). //
Bulletin of the Perm University. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. 2008. N 4. P. 204-206. (In Russian) (244 Kb)
- Indeitsev D.A., Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M., Zhilina N.A. Brief biography of P.A.Zhilin. //
Bulletin of the Perm University. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. 2008. N 4. P. 207-208. (In Russian) (144 Kb)
- Altenbach H., Eremeyev V.A., Indeitsev D.A., Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M. On the Contributions of Pavel Andreevich Zhilin to Mechanics. Technische Mechanik.
2009. Band 29. Heft 2. S. 115-134. (863 Kb)
- Grekova E.F., Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M. . Editors' preface to the book:
Zhilin P.A. Rational Continuum Mechanics. St. Petersburg.: Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press, 2012. 584 p.
(P. 12-16). (In Russian) (96 Kb)
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